All you need is...

LOVE and CHOCOLATE! Let's build a chocolate fondue board this February.

And yes... I do dip potato chips in chocolate!

  1. Start with a a festive board. I used a pink cookie sheet for this first one!

  2. Add on fondue pots/ramekins/cocottes with your melting chocolate.


3. Build around your fondue pots with cookies! I love butter cookies, stroop waffles, and cookie butter cookies.

4. Sweet dipped in sweet? YES please. A macaroon or marshmallow in chocolate is delish! For these boards I was able to find pink macaroon and heart-shaped marshmallows which adds a pop of color to the neutral-toned cookies.

5. Load the fresh fruits- strawberries and apples are my fave!

6. Bring on the Salty- popcorn? potato chips? in chocolate. Yes! Next time I might even add on some nuts.


Bonus: add sprinkles for extra fun.


Here's a link to some of my go-to items for building a Valentine's Graze.

Happy Grazing! XOXO Sarah J


My two year old daughter…


Are you ready for some...